Detail an average day in the life of your protagonist before your story starts.
You don't have to write a dramatic story, just get into the mindset of your character and think about their daily behaviours, interactions and emotions.
A Day In Demoran
Kyah’s day begins late morning as she slowly pulls herself from sleep. Once she gets herself together and up, she begins getting to the Guild Hall and checking in with her colleagues. She gathers intel about events and rumors of the area. She listens to news and reports. She gathers it all.
Early afternoon brings a check in with Walgan. The guild leader often has little for her to do save tidying things as she waits idly, but that’s more her choice than his request. If he has a task, she’ll undertake it immediately as it becomes possible. Otherwise she waits until evening.
Early evening she arrives at the Lavendar Puurse String and begins to tend bar. On occasion she will let loose and dance casually, not as employee, and always fully covered. No matter, the club is a place of secrets and so she gathers more information, more gold, and more importantly, more secrets.
As the club closes, she heads to the southern wall by the western entrance and sits in the crenealtions, watching the sun come up before returning home to sleep.