Write a story that has no obvious protagonist.

Think carefully about how can you create an engaging story that doesn't have one main character.

The Auditorium

Squeaking, the janitor’s cart rounded the corner sloshing warm soapy water. Gus knocked on the boys’ bathroom door and pushed it open.

“Give me a minute,” Principal Wesley called out from the sink area his voice shaking. Embarrassed Gus retreated and headed to the girls’ room. Principal Wesley cleared his throat and splashed cool water on his face.

He told his dripping reflection, “ You can do this. It will be hard. But you can do this.” Principal Wesley looked for paper towels and saw only a high speed hand blower.

“Well shit.”

Exiting the girls’ lavatory, Chair Reynolds and Board Member Bell walked around the janitor.

“It’s ridiculous. This was a kid’s prank not a Klan rally. They’re making us out to be monsters. This is—“ Reynolds said.

Bell whisper-shouted, “Shush! You don’t want to be tomorrow’s soundbite.” She motioned her head towards a trio of flinty eyed mothers holding court by the auditorium doors. With tight smiles, they slipped into the already crowded auditorium.

The air was charged. Groups of parents and teachers clumped. Principal Wesley looked panic stricken and damp. As the school board members headed single file to the stage the community members headed to their seats.

From the main lobby, Gus watched the news crews in the parking lot. Their lights filled the lot like stars as the reporters waited hungrily for the school board meeting to end. Wearily, he pulled the mop from his cart turning his back to the outside.

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