Image by Ihsan Idatyawarman

Create a story about some strange items found washed up in the tide.

A Walk on The Beach

The sun began to rise across the water. The sunset was beautiful with shades of red, yellow, and orange. The ocean waves crested and began to wash up to the shore. The white caps looking like the snowed covered mountains to the east. The view was breathtaking and I couldn’t help but stare in awe.

I sat in the sand and pulled my shoes and socks off. I wanted to feel the sand beneath my toes on this beautiful day. Walking down the beach I began to pick up stones and throw them back from where they came from not expecting the ocean to return from what was left.

Peering across the water dreaming of distant lands I noticed something begin to bob in the water like the bobber on a fishing pole. The only difference was there was no pole and this was no bobber. What appeared to be coming up from the ocean was a red and white Volkswagen Bug. I couldn’t believe my eyes as the car got closer and rolled up onto the beach. I walked up to it and could tell it was running, how in the fuck did this happen, but it wasn’t all that washed up.

While I was staring at the car a bicycle rolled up on the beach on two wheels with the horn blowing and the bell ringing. The most amazing thing is the fact that it dropped is kick stand and parked up next to the car. _How is this possible _I thought to myself.

The next vehicle to roll up on the beach was an old biplane. The propellor was spinning and looked as though it was getting ready to take off. It rolled over next to the car and the bike. I admired the airplane and almost felt as though I should take her for a spin, or maybe just take the Bug and trade it in since it was in mint condition. The bicycle would be great for my boy.

Throughout the afternoon more and more vehicles like expensive cars, semis, motorcycle and four wheelers showed up on the shore. It looked like a parking lot with plenty of different types of things to choose from. I sat down and just looked at all of the vehicles on the beach until twilight when they all began to roll back into the ocean. As the moon began to rise across the ocean the last vehicle floated away. I never saw anything like that, there are some strange things that can wash up onto the beach.

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