New City Hunger

She was young, about 23 and just walking out of her closing shift at the cafe. She made her way casually to the run down coupe she drove to and from work everyday, as I hid behind a truck parked two cars away from her like I do everyday.

It’s about 6pm and the sun is finally setting on the city horizon, which means I was finally free to roam around. I wore my normal cheap shades and black body suit for mobility and breathability. I needed to move quick; it’s been four days since I had anything to eat and I was starving. Moving to the city made it harder to feed on animal blood, and house pets were off limits in my family. But my fangs…ached. Like a pulsing cringing almost-make-you-black-out kind of pain that I couldn’t shake.

But my family knew if it didn’t have something to eat soon, the pain would get increasingly worse, like brink-of-death worse.

I had to do it. I had to bite her. I’ve been watching her everyday now since I moved. Creepy, I know, but if I want to bite someone, I might it well make it someone cute. I don’t know her name, but god she’s fucking beautiful. Clear framed glasses framed her almond eyes perfectly, and she always wore her dark curly hair in space buns or pony tail. And she was tatted. Of course, I’m a sucker for tatted up coffee shop barista.

But what the most tantalizing part about her was? Her long, inviting, slender neck that was rich with veins calling to be touched.

I needed it. It was time.

I did a triple scan of the parking lot to make sure we were alone.

Once absolute emptiness was confirmed, I stalled my way over to her car. She fumbled with her keys, the perfect opportunity to move quick as she’s distracted by the sound.

One car away, so I peeked eagerly to see how close she was to leaving. But then I noticed, her key. She was fumbling to look for the car key that wasn’t on lanyard of other miscellaneous keys.

I took a breath, heart fluttering from nerves and hunger, sight blurry from the pain in my fangs. I smiled, and stood up to go for the key.

“Is this yours?” I asked through the most awkward smile on earth.

“Oh shit!” Startled, she turned around all cute and shocked. “Yes, it is.”

She reached for her key slowly, while beads of sweat formed hastily on my forehead. I could see the vein in her wrist, I thought I was going to faint. But I held my breath, and dropped the key in her hand.

My stomach then howled like a wolf to the moon, which to my surprised, made her chuckle.

“Oh, you seem hungry. I’ll leave you to it then. Thanks for finding my key.” She nodded at me with a shy smile, I blushed.

But I still couldn’t help myself, my vision was going dark and my mouth was going numb. I watched her start to turn to her car door, but grabbed her wrist with a swift unearthly strength right before she could get in.

“Hey! What are you doing?!?” Her soft almond eyes filled with panic, and right when I knew she was about to scream, I yanked her forcefully into my chest, and grabbed her ponytail to open her neck up more.

Instant relief set in as I sunk my teeth into a river of blood. I felt absolutely euphoric, no more sweat, blurry vision, and finally, no more pain.

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