The Final Leap

Match looked behind him down river, he couldn't see them coming but he knew they were there. If he didn't keep going, they would catch him. In the distance he heard a howl. He had run down the river, hoping the wolves would lose his scent in the water, it didn't work as well as he hoped. He figured they were about a mile and a half off his heels.

His legs were burning, he wanted to stop but he knew that if he did, they would kill him, they wouldn't take kindly to him first taking advantage of their hospitality, but then stealing from them. He knew it was wrong, but this was the only hope Match had left of saving his ma. Match was so lost in his own thoughts trying to keep his legs moving he skidded to a stop peering over the edge of Carrier Falls. Match stopped to catch his breath and looked into the leather satchel that he had slung over his shoulder, making sure the glowing red stone was still there. He had stolen the Sanguine Stone from the Moni tribe. He did feel bad about it, but his mother was dying, and this was his last chance to save her.

The Sanguine Stone, worshiped by the Moni for its healing properties, he had heard about it from a friend last year, and spent the next 6 months researching. Legend has it that the Moni live for hundreds of years, never dying of illness, they are fearless, strong and warriors. They lived in the high mountains of Seecon province living off the land, raising wolves as their hunting companions. Match thanked his luck that he was able to sneak away in the night and get a head start.

He looked down again over the cliff, the water rushing beside him him watching it crash down below him into the lush green of Seeconsee forest. Time was biting him, and if he didn't jump soon, the wolves would be less gentle. He clutched the satchel to his chest, pinched his nose, took on final deep breath and then he jumped

The wind rushed past his ears with a whirring sound, time both expanded and contracted as he felt himself diving towards the glassy surface below. If he saved his mom this would all be worth it, he would return the stone back to the Moni as soon as she was better. The water rushed him, cool and icy spreading with fervour from his feet to his head. The undertow thrashed him around, and he lost his sense of direction. Match felt a blinding pain, and the world around him went black.

Match rubbed his eyes as he came back to consciousness, his head was throbbing. He was thankful he was alive, but also came to the realization that he wasn't in the river any more and he was warm and naked under a heavy fur blanket. As things farther away came into focus he realized he was in a large tent, firelight glowing outside the wall was bright enough to light the area and warm inside. Then he remembered the satchel. He leapt out of bed, but dizziness brought him back down to sitting beside it. He took deep breaths to regain focus, and rose again, looking around the tent, the satchel hung on a hook at the front of the tent. He limped over to the bag, his head making him feel very unsteady on his feet. When he opened it, the stone was gone. He grabbed the blanket off the bed and made his way to the opening of the tent. He stepped outside and realized that once again he was in the care of the Moni. He knew he wouldn't get another chance with the stone, but once again was thankful the Moni had kept him alive. Match made his way back to the bed and sat on the edge. He thought of his ma, wishing that instead of this failed attempt, he might have been better off to spend some time home with her.

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