Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

My Strange Diary

THURSDAY Something strange happened today. I understood the trees. When each leaf gently fell among the rustling leaves, I leaned in closely and heard a whisper, “Let go.” “Let go?” I replied. “Let go.” Then, another leaf landed and the soft whisper murmured, “Surrender to Winter.” “To Winter?” I asked. “Yes,” it answered. “Spring will come.” “Spring?” “Yes. Spring brings life.” I slowly exhaled, “Let go.” Another leaf fell. “Surrender.” And another fell. “Let go.” Today I heard the language of the trees. Strange. SATURDAY Something strange happened today. I understood the hawk’s cry. He shouted, “Look up!” So I did. He was right. I needed to look up. I don’t know how long my head had been down. I didn’t even know I had so much pressure building in my head until the hawk called me to lift up my eyes. What an astonishing relief! The light awakened me and life began coursing through my veins. Today I heard the language of the hawk. Strange. SUNDAY Nothing strange happened today. No tree spoke. No hawk cried. All was quiet. I listened. But I only heard the silence. I let go. I looked up. Today I heard the language of the silence. Strange.
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