Submitted by Daniel Kween
Write about the last dream you remember.
Consider using the dream as a base for your story. The last dream I remember was being forcibly inducted into the Ainsley Harriot cooking school.
Concrete jungle
I’m sitting in my office, just another day at work. I’m speaking with a coworker who stands halfway under my door frame and halfway in the concrete hallway. A look of horror comes over her face after a loud noise echoes down the hall. I jump from my desk and attempt to look down the hallway but I am blinded by darkness. Suddenly I remember that there are six of us on duty including myself versus five hundred inmates. Inmates that have raped women, abused children and murdered. My heart comes to a stop as I hear a sound that is all too familiar...doors opening. It’s not just a few doors, it’s all of them! I shout at my team to begin shutting the doors. Don’t stop to talk to anyone secure the facility! I grab my flashlight but it doesn’t work. I knew I shouldnt have waited to change those batteries. I pull my taser and shine the light from it. I make my way to booking where I attempt to call the local police. My stomach tosses as I realize the phones are down. I radio for control to see if they are able to control doors, there is no answer. I call again and pray that my radio is just malfunctioning, but it isn’t. I then return to the back of the jail where I hope to find my coworkers securing the last of the doors but I don’t. Where have they gone? I see a shadow in the distance run under the flicker of an emergency light. I hear laughter sick, evil laughter. I call for my coworkers but no one answers me. I know they haven’t left, no one can leave including me. I am locked behind these concrete walls with hundreds of felons and no help in site. I decide to hide. I shut the light off of my taser and feel my way down the hall. I continue to grip my taser, my only protection, in the palm of my hand. If I see anyone I can at least turn on the taser and stun them. I keep inching down the hallway my fingertips guiding me against the concrete walls. I know every door frame, every cell. Everything is too quiet until I hear something behind me. It’s a voice I recognize to be one of the maximum security inmates. I turn to see his silhouette emerge under the emergency light. He is followed by what appears to be a small group of other inmates and a lifeless body he drags behind him. I immediately identify the body to be my coworkers, I cover my mouth the keep me from screaming. “Let’s find the boss pig” I hear him say. My body shakes as I realize that pig is me. My life flashes before my eyes. Is this how I will die? I think of my daughter and how devastated she will be if I don’t come home. I wake up.