Write a diary entry of a terminally ill patient.

Does this character feel fear, calm, sadness? What might they articulate to a private diary entry?

It’s going to hurt me.

Dear diary,

I have to write fast. I’m almost certain this will be my last entry. I’m hiding under the hospital bed right now. It’s here. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia but I’m telling you this is not it. This doesn’t feel like my other hallucinations. I think it’s actually real. I’ve been taking my medicine— I think, so there’s no way I could’ve hallucinated this well if it was all in my head. I hear it. It’s looking for me. It’s going to find me soon, I’m so scared. I cant think. It’s going to hurt me. It’s getting harder to sob quietly. I’m trying to slow down my breathing, it’s not working. It’s mumbling. It’s scary. It’s really scary. I want to yell for help but it’s right there. I can see it from under here, but I avoid looking, scared I’ll meet its eyes. It’s moving slow so it can surprise me fast. I’m shaking, can’t you see my handwriting? I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment. I’m sorry you had to pay attention to me so much. I’m sorry I wasted your time and money, because all along I was just going to end up like this. I’m so sorry.

(I mistakenly read it as mentally ill but i’ll post this anyways)

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