Dear Diary

Police are investigating the death of a teenager named Elli Porter when they find her diary. They flipped through the pages.


Dear Diary,

Today was horrible! My friends wouldn’t play with me and it made me feel sad. I thought they were nice.

-Elli Porter, Age 6

Dear Diary,

My mom got angry at me and started hitting me. Really hard. I have a bruise. I have a headache from the hit.

-Elli Porter, Age 9

Dear Diary,

A boy at the school punched me. Then he put me in my locker and colored on it in permanent black marker. Then I got detention for missing my classes.

-Elli Porter, Age 12

Dear Diary,

My mom attacked me. She was drunk and beat me up. I am dripping blood and will probably get a few scars.

-Elli Porter, Age 15

Dear Diary,


-Elli Porter, age 16.

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