The Devil’s Song

The morning sunrise was beautiful, it rose up out of the ocean, signaling a new day with new blessings. A cool breeze and the call of seagulls in the distance calmed me. I took a deep breath and noticed the subtle aroma of the salt water ocean.

Just then, in the distance, I noticed a strange object. I heard a song as soon as my gaze fell upon it. The song was gorgeous, I was tempted to follow the sweet sound.

I approached the mysterious item. A piano. I ran my fingers along the majestic designs. How did it get there? I placed my hands on the keys and started to play. I got lost in the music, I closed my eyes and saw beautiful colors.

Suddenly, the tune became ominous. I could not stop my hands. I tried but it was like I was no longer the one in control, but if I wasn’t the one in control, who was?

Three weeks later, the body was carried off the secluded beach and taken away to be investigated. The body was completely intact, except for the hands. Each finger was broken and bruised with scars all over.

The police came back to the shore once the body had been taken away to retrieve the musical instrument, but it was gone. Vanished without a trace, never to be seen again.

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