Submitted by MBK

“Then suddenly… it’s over.”

Write a poem which ends with this line.

Breakups Are Much Like Death

When a clock breaks, time doesn’t stop. When a heart breaks, it keeps beating. Breakups are much like death. After death you pass by streets that remind you of them and your eyes get glossy. You hang onto clothing because you don’t know if you should keep it or get rid of it. You put their belongings in an old cardboard box and stuff it onto the top shelf of a messy closet. It collects dust, and as time goes on so does your life. At first it might feel like your world is going to collapse. It might feel like you won’t ever be able to live on without them. That you won’t find happiness or joy ever again. But you will. As time passes, your heart will slowly heal itself. Nothing is as strong as a human heart which breaks and heals over and over again. It may not heal completely, but you will find yourself capable of being confident, happy and best of all full. Don’t get me wrong, they will always be with you. Wether they are luggage on your back or a gentle hug at the end of a long day, they will always be there in your memories. Their presence will be in the streets you pass, or their smell In a cardboard box in the closet. Then suddenly, after time, you feel complete. You might meet someone new or you might keep your love in your heart for the rest of your days, but just as the pain comes, it goes. It many seem like eternity, but just as the rain stops; you realize then.. —as the sun rises over the hill—suddenly it’s over.
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