Without describing exactly what you see, write a story, poem, or descriptive paragraph which conjures this image.
Frozen iciclies came into vision. They protruded from the entrance of the cave’s ceiling like spiked teeth ready to devour their next victim. She imagined the frozen slices falling strategically around her, pinning her to the ground. How would it feel being trapped on the damp forest floor? Would those gnarly frozen teeth hold her captive until the water molecules in her own body slowly froze? It was strangely comforting to think she could amalgamate herself into something as raw and beautiful as where she stood at present. As if being swallowed by the earth was actually something she craved so desperately. The cave’s mouth, it’s splintered teeth, the blackness - it had awakened something in her. Not even her deep seated fear of being trapped could stop her in her tracks. Maybe facing this fear would bring her closer to what she had never been able to feel before. What seemed to be unnatainable. The wind howled into the cave’s entrance. It willed her into it’s mouth. It had hypnotised her. Perhaps what lie deep within this hollow cavern was exactly what she needed to feel truly free.