A Rose Full Of Thorns

There once was a rose.

A beautiful red rose.

And Cherished it was.

This rose was full.


The center of a crowded room.

Then along came a new rose.

A equally beautiful pink rose.

And cherished it became.

This rose was full.


Becoming the center of a crowded room.

The red rose was left unattended.


Sitting in a dark shelf among a dark room.

Wilting slowly.

Blackening with each passing day.

Each moment, a Petal falling to the floor.

While the pink rose grew.


The red rose deteriorated.

What once was a bright bold color

Had faded into nothing.

Just as quickly as it grew.

The red rose wondered why.

How could such beauty be so overlooked.

Just by the presence of another.

Something different.

Something that must be better.


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