Better Run

I could barely remember the previous night. The air I breathed in was cold. My gut was heavy with worry. All I could remember was the sound of my door bashing against the floor.

Then I woke up here.

I looked around desperately. The room was dimly lit with just one flickering light bulb hanging from a torn up cord. Suddenly I realized the numerous blood spots that dotted around the concrete floor.

What had I gotten myself into?

Suddenly the metal door flew open and a voice boomed from the hallway.

“Your time is up. Better run!” A psychotic laugh followed the creepy message.

Instantly I booked it for the exit. No time to think. No time to wait. I needed out. Air passed by as I ran throughout the dark hallway. Although I wished differently, I knew my efforts must be in vain.

That was when the sound of gunshots fire throughout the hall.

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