Submitted by Orelli
I grab my sister's hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump.
Write the story leading up to, or going forward from, here.
The Fall
I grab my sisters hand and pull her towards the cliff edge with me. She nods slowly in my direction. Then we jump
Falling through the air as the wind went through our hair, we were gaining speed. There was so many things going through my mind
‘it could have been different, I didn’t want her to find out this way’
I turn to her, seeing the terror in her eyes, I’m supposed to be the big brother ,the person who should keep her safe.
A trail of tears fly air as her screams ring in my ears.
‘If she figures out What I have done what is she going to think of me’
I look back up towards the cliff which we have jumped from, I see a bald man standing there, watching as we plummet towards the ground.
‘I thought i left him behind when we moved’
I can see the ground approach quickly and can feel the grip tighten around me. My sister turns to look at me
“I...I just want to say thank you, thank you for being such a great brother”
I look at the ground and back at my sister.
“There is something I need to tell you...more show you”
She looked confused.
I reach my hand out, point it towards the ground and close my eyes, my hand begins to surge with heat as it begins to slow white, it keeps getting brighter and brighter. Suddenly the ground below us begins to slow the same colour, it also begins to glow brighter.
“What is going on!!!” My sister screams in my ear, I ignore her as I focus on saving us. I raise my hand up above my head then quickly push in down towards the ground.
As I did that the ground split open like a monster mouth ready to swallow us. I can fully open my eyes as the light is just too bright.
I feel my sister's nails dig into me. I turn to her and ask her to look at me “trust me”...
We fall through the mouth like opening, there is a weightless feeling surrounding us, the ground above us seals itself. I let go of my sister and he floats there in the air
“What the fuck!!! Explain now!!!” Tears streaming down her face
“A while ago I noticed that I could do things, things others couldn’t, I was scared. The only person who knows apart from you is dad”
“Dad knows!!!”
“Yeah...because he’s like me”
“I’m so sorry”
We talked for a while, I explained how I trained myself to use my powers and explained that we jumped off the cliff because I was being hunted and it was the only way to survive.
“So where are we now?” She had calmed down at this point
“Think if it like a void, a pocket between two spaces”
I raise my hand and a bright red glow emits from my hand.
“Why is it red this time?” She sounded very curious this time
“Different colours mean different things”
“What do they mean”
“White I use just to get away from the world, which is here, red will take me to any location I want to go and black....we don’t talk about what that does
a few feet away a large door like structure opens, I extend my hand and grab hers
“Let’s go home”...