Want A Piece Of Cake?

“I told you yesterday that I needed you to pickup a cake to celebrate that Tiana’s passed. What is this?”

I look at her confusingly.

“You said a cake to celebrate that Tiana’s passed. It’s a cake to celebrate that Tiana’s passed.” I reply. She shakes her head.

“No it isn’t. This is a cake that says that Tiana’s passed not that she passed!” She looks exasperated. I just look confused. I look at the cake which says: ‘R. I. P. Tiana, here’s to your life.’

Martha groans.

“What will Tiana say when she arrives to her own party with a cake like that?!”

I stare at her unblinkingly.

“What do you mean when she arrives to her party? She passed didn’t she?” I ask.

“Only you would get confused on what I meant when I said passed. If she had died I would’ve told you how and a funeral and I don’t know NOT ASK FOR A CAKE LIKE THAT. Why would I want a cake like that? We’d be mourning not celebrating!” Martha sighs.

I groan.

“Then what DID you mean?” I ask.

“She PASSED HER CLASSES! She’s graduated!” Martha exclaims.

A moment after Martha says this the door opens and in walks Tiana. Oh gosh. I can’t let her see the cake. What’ll she think of me?

“SURPRISE!” Martha and our other friends scream as they come out of hiding.

“Congratulations on graduating!” I hear everywhere.

“Oh my goodness! Thank you everyone! I can’t believe I did it! Let’s CEL-A-BRATE!! Please tell me there’s cake!”

I smile as I try to inch my way to the cake but before I get there Tiana’s already there. No!

The lid is open and she’s staring. Everyone is silent. Then. Tiana’s laughing.

“Bella, you were in charge of the cake weren’t you? Martha didn’t detail what it was for well to you huh?” Tiana laughs.

I smile and feel my cheeks go red. I chuckle.

“You know me too well Tiana. Yeah that was me. I’m so sorry. I can go get a new one if you like.” I say embarrassingly.

“No, no this is perfect. What’s a party without well humoured laugher. I’ll remember this always. Besides I could only hope when it is my time that you’ll celebrate my life and remember me not mourn too much.” Tiana says. I smile.

“We love you Tiana! Let’s celebrate! Next chapter of life, school is done!!!” We all yell.

“Who wants a piece of cake?”

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