The Girl in The Window

The Girl in The Window is

not a girl at all.

The Girl in The Window is

a great Bernini masterpiece preserved in magnificent marble.

The Girl in The Window is

a shadow bathing in the spaces between the light.

The Girl in The Window is

a mirage within the steam tendrils writhing up from cup in her hands.

Or, perhaps

The Girl in The Window is

not in a window at all.

The Girl in The Window is

burrowed in a nest she fashioned from wood and glass and hanging drapes.

The Girl in The Window is

in an box suspended above the ground allowing her to see, but never be seen.

The Girl in The Window is

balancing on a ledge between the real world and some unknown abyss.

Or, perhaps

I have been talking to long.

The Girl in The Window is


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