Write a romance poem that is really very unromantic.
Try to think of the normal elements of romantic poems and reverse them!
If You Can’t…
If you can’t reach out your hand
to touch my skin at night…
If you can’t wipe away the tears you cause
as I lay next to you and cry…
If you can’t give me undivided attention
when all I need is your eyes on me…
If you can’t step up to the plate
to be the man you said you’d be…
If you can’t pick up the phone for a minute
just to ask about my day…
If you can’t ask me not to leave
when I stand to walk away…
If you can’t meet me where I am
to try to understand my needs…
If you can’t grow together with me
to bring life to our dreams…
If you can’t trust me enough
to let your real emotions show…
If you can’t open up to me
to tell me what I don’t know…
If you can’t be the same man
I fell in love with all those years ago…
Then, please, I beg of you,
love me enough to let me go.