The Full Moon Celebration

It was that time, once again. Dispite how Whistle wasnt a sandwing, and hadnt grown up with the Full Moon Celebrations, as he had, the two sat amongst the top rows of the (surprisingly empty) stands around the arena. Him and Coyote were surrounded by the chaos that appeared atleast thrice every month.

The glistening full moon, Golden, as they’d nicknamed it for its seemingly golden shine, was closest of the three moons at this point in its rotation. It was so seemingly close but so far. Coyote remembered times when he was a child where he had reached out to it, trying to grab it out from the sky. Its alure so calming..

The arena below was a separate story, music echoed off the rounded walls along with the clatter of drinks in glass cups and the chatter of waves of golden and pale scales alike. A spray painted moon amongst the walls watched over the celebration carfully, the Eye of Onyx resting on its throne just below. Blue-red flames flickered around the edges of the arena, dispite the gleaming light that lit the Sand Kingdom throughout.

But even with all of that..

Whistle and Coyote rested atop the stands..

(Authors note: small little story about two gay Wings of Fire ocs 🤗, their engaged your honor) (Edit: you guys are smth else, i wrote this at 4 am and its gotton more reads (and likes..) than all my other stories))

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