Write a scene where a character is leaving home.

A Place Called Home

So many memories happened here my first steps my first falls my first love my first heartbreak. All my birthdays all my losses and all my gains happened here in a place called home. I can still remember the broken blind my parents used as a measuring stick for my siblings and I. Now sadly as I soak all these memories in remember the littlest things like that one chip of paint on my bed frame that time I cut my hair too short all the laughter and cries I shared with my family is gone my room is now empty my siblings have already been. Sister Emily’s room became an exercise gym while brother Miles’s became an art room. With a heavy heart and a explosion of tears I must now do what my sister did then what my brother did and leave this is my time to go. It is my time to go out and venture this unknown world for I’ve barley scratched the surface what wonders lie beyond I cannot wait. As I fill my car with all my luggage and hug my parents thanking them for all they’ve done and how I’ll visit anytime I am near for my home will always be here but alas they remind me this is my childhood home and now I will make a new home where I was destined to be everywhere it is cold. I look at my home taking one last breathe in watching as my parents leave in the house remembering the most random memory one time we’re going inside because I cut my leg while biking and they were each holding one of my hands how they nurtured me I smile. Then into the car I go starting the engine feeling the buzz through my whole body ready for my new home. My home will be the world a new adventure everyday.
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