Inspired by Charlotte Blake

You have been listed as an alibi for a friend who was arrested, but you know that you weren't with them at the time of the crime.

Write a story about this situation unfolding.

Eye To Eye

He was right next to my eye. Our eyes might as well have been kissing because of how close he was

‘I know your lying, Dave’ the detective said, as he snarled at me

He was right, I wasn’t with Jace. I haven’t see Jace in the last 2 days, but I know he didn’t do it.

Because it was me.

Jace was my identical twin brother, he had lived a trouble life—as he chose to stray down the path of crime, delinquency and deviance.

So, what was wrong using him as a scapegoat?

I mean, my reputation was spotless

Wouldn’t you rather add dirt to someone that’s already dirty, than something that’s clean?

Of course, you will choose the former, as you’ll receive no trouble.

‘I know it was your brother!’ He bellowed at me, as his spit flew across my face

Even though, I could have just shifted the blame on Jace, I had too stall as much time as I could.

‘He didn’t do it…’ I carefully and lowly mumbled, as I tossed my head to the side.

The detective growled at me, but he cautioned himself backwards. However, soon his anger was short-lived, as his junior came running in.

‘We found Jace!’

I could feel beads of sweat, race across my face, as I nervously glance at the junior.

Jace had already been found, so quickly. I had locked him away, as a part of the plan, but now they found him.

‘Ohhh, is that sweat I see???’ The detective chuckled, as he laughed at me.

‘Shut up!!!’ I bellowed, as my voice was no longer restraint to a deep level. It came out a bit squeaky.

The detective tilted his head in confusion, but soon his eyes widened in realisation.

Dammmit, he realised what had happened since my voice had changed

‘Jace…!’ He screamed, as he looked at me in stunned silence.

Yes, that’s right. I am Jace. I was using Dave as my scapegoat.

I smile at the detective and softly whisper:

‘So, what if I am Jace?’

Despite how my face became a waterfall of sweat, a small beam of a smile was painted on my face.

They had no evidence on me. All I had done was incriminate myself, by lying to their faces.

‘There’s no law in this place!!! Only justice!!’ The detective screamed, as he punched right in the chin. My face flew up and I collapsed onto the floor

Dang, felt like someone used a dumbbell on me. Ha, reminds me of the time, when someone brought a dumbbell to a fight.

‘I will convict you!’ The detective yelled, as he grabbed me by the collar.

‘Senior, relax!!! You know we can’t do this.’ Quivered the junior

‘Haha, you’ve got nothing on me! And you know

It!!’ I excitedly yell back, as I raise my hands

Suddenly, the door swings open.

And before us, is Dave.

‘Jace….’ Dave quivered, as he glued his hands to his side.

‘It’s been a while…Dave.’ I whispered.

Dave looked pale, sick and solemn, I mean who wouldn’t. He had been caged into my basement, for 2 days and he had been living on biscuits and chocolate milkshakes.

‘I’ve done what you wanted…’ he nervously whispered.

My face lights up with joy and with all the strength I could muster, I punched the detective in the face. While Dave kicked the junior. He looked so weak, as if he would fall over—but he easily made the kick seem like child’s play.

Soon, we were both running out of the police stations. Confused police watched us go, but they soon fulfilled their roles as cats.

We were mice, being chased by a horde of cats.

‘So, Jace, what’s the plan.’

‘To Elsa’s house!’ I reply

Dave’s face became pale, but he nodded. He had always hated Elsa and only hated with her, because of me.

We raced outside and onto the streets. I hoped into the car and Dave began driving.

The detective yelled from behind, but it was too

late, we were already speeding off into the night.

The police gave chase, but I don’t think it’s easy to catxh a flying car.

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