Do Not Look In Her Eye

Nobody knows who she is or where she comes from. She doesn't speak of a name or a home far away.

All they know is she doesn't look away from your eyes. No matter who you are or what you do, she raises her chin and looks.

Many people make the mistake of letting her. They do not know that with every second she looks, she learns something new about you. She knows everything you are and everything you have been long before 60 seconds pass.

She is the one who knows all. A wise raven walking amongst unintelligent crows whom she feasts on the corpses of. A goddess of death and wisdom, with a curtain of dark chocolate locks cascading down her back.

Many people do not believe in the legend of this girl, especially when they learn she appears in the form of a child no older than 6. So, of course, they do not know how to survive her.

But do not fear… for I, Professor Wigglebottom, shall reveal the key.

The key… is HER eyes. Those majestic orbs that mimic that of an iridescent opal show you everything, just as your orbs show her everything. Do not try to find truth in her words. For she will protect her peace no matter the cost, and she speaks little enough as it is. Look into her eyes.

If more red appears in her eyes, she fears you. Walk away peacefully, and she will not try to docile the threat. If more green appears, it is not as good as you think. She is jealous of you; she does not like you. You will not die, but you will lose everything. Gold and yellow are good. You do not need to do anything; you need not know what it means. Purple is the colour of royalty. If you see this colour in her eyes, she admires you. You have her favour. However, this favour grants you a whole new meaning to expectations you've never imagined before. She looks up to no one and loves only one. If you are perfect enough to be granted purple, you shall remain that perfect, or she will be very disappointed. The last colour… orange. Orange is happy and excited, and it's beautiful. However, tis also the colour of fire. If you look into her eyes and see an orange light hovering above opal white orbs… orange light shall be the last thing you see.

Now, at this point, my dear readers are probably saying two things. One: “This is getting so long, Professor! Speed it up!” And two: “But you said it was a mistake to look into her eyes. Now, we have to look into her eyes to survive? But for half of the colours, there’s nothing we can do?!”

Yes, yes. I know it is complicated. But it is how pain works, is it not? Is it not long, contradicting, complicated, and brings you to the point that half of the time, there is nothing you can do? We only have so much information on this poor girl, but circumstantial evidence suggests that despite her appearance, she’s lived much longer than you and I. What do you think has happened in that time?

Anyway, that's enough of this. I, Professor Wigglebottom, understand you students enjoy only short lessons and entries. So, I shall wrap it up!

Nobody knows who she is or where she comes from. But they call her Opia, and she is where your pain dwells.

(Not a creature but eh.)

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