Happily Ever After

After 30 grueling years of being in the isolated castle waiting for “a prince”, the princess has gaven up. Enduring 30 years of isolation, and only provided food from her cruel mother has put her through heart wrenchingly painful loneliness. She now comes to think her only hope is to set off on her own journey, to look for fulfillment and purpose. The realization washes over her, swallowing the hard truth that she will not be saved by a prince no matter how long she waits. As her heart cracks, soon shattering. She goes down, sinking into the cold floor absorbing the truth. She takes a moment looking at her reflection in the mirror before her. This somewhat gives her a blink of hope, thinking before lifting herself off the floor, walking towards the window, staring longingly at the veiw before her. She then rummaged through the large basket of her clothes, pulling out a few pieces. She begins to change rapidly, she grabs her brown leather bag after getting dressed. She looks into the mirror as she lifts her feet off the chilling floor and slips them into soft socks, than pulls some shoes over them after. She bends over to tie them down as perfect as she could, smiling at the great job she did. After packing the bag, she looks out into the distance, as she steps closer to the window, prepared to go off on her journey of discovery and sucuess. The excitement fills her as she plans everything out in her head. Prepared to open the window, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. Not long after she opens the window, feeling the cool breeze and the smell of fresh grass wafting before her. She grabs a peice of rough rope from her castle she has had prepared as part of her plan, smirking proudly as she ties it tightly to a peice of metal from the clearly old rusty window. She carefully holds onto the rope, takes a deep calming breath, before she jumps out of the window perilously. The wind rushes against her face and in her hair, her grip on the rope tightens, anxiety rushing through her body. She soon reaches the end. The rope is still in tact after the long drop, she lets go, her shoes touch the soft grass. The princess puts her hand on her chest, as she catches her breath, she slings the leather bag over her shoulder and walks a few steps forward, taking in the scenery, stepping near the echoing noise and chaos of a nearby fair taking place. Her bag packed, and mind set, she is ready to embark on a new adventure to freedom. The princess walks off into the distance not looking back at the old castle.

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