Submitted by Maranda Quinn
Beneath the Surface
Write a poem with this theme in mind.
Come closer to me and I'll tell you what I see.
Everything in this realm ain't what it appears to be.
Our history books are full of magical lies
But very few know since they've closed their eyes.
Dogma and doctrine have been ingrained so deep
We have just stopped thinking and drifted to sleep.
Religion has forced us to hate others on sight
And we fight bitter wars and battles to prove who is right.
So divided we are, not knowing we are all one mind
We kill our own friends over flaws that we find.
Living within a dark matrix and giving up on life
Until all we see now is trauma, pain, hate and strife.
Leaders divide and conquer for their narcissistic supply
While eugenicists everywhere plan our mass demise.
Steady we listen to the marketing tactics and ploys
Convincing us always to buy more useless toys.
Our minds are rattled empty and wide shut are our eyes
It is our naivete and ignorance that buys into the lies.
Beneath the bright lights, behind the extra loud hollers
We don't bother to ask what's happened to our dollars.
Like sheep led to slaughter, we think the coast is clear
But we are deceived by the wolves and destruction lurks near.
Beneath all the glitter there's real truth to be told
And not the raw bill of goods we have all been sold.