The Long Lost Princess Of Caster

“Let’s see..I need to find room 739..clean it..then- wait, wasn’t..” I whisper to myself in realization.

I stop in-front of the room, staring blankly at the still partially decorated room.

I then get to cleaning, taking the posters down, and a few other things. Once it was done, I take out the note I had found.

It read in neat handwriting

“If you’re finding this, it means something happened to me.

Or something didn’t happen to me.”

I wonder what that means? I question in my thoughts.

“But I hope the person cleaning my room, is either smiling, or laughing at this queer little note.

Because I never got to truly smile, everything around me either angered me, or confused me.

Y’know why I had anger issues? Because no one ever understood the reasons I was angry.

This is an Asylum for the Insane. I must sound pretty different in this note.

I was always introverted, if I ever did talk, I was either yelling curses or screaming threats.

So- I’m suspecting you, yeah you, the person reading this, don’t know why I’ve been sent away.

I had to write this quickly, before they came and got me.

But, know, that I love belly-scratches. Yeah, I’m a shapeshifter.”

I stop reading, tears welling in my eyes. This girl..was braver than anyone in this world.

“Smile, because you’re being watched. Wipe away those tears, and read between the lines.

I’ll escape, don’t worry, I’m not feeble. I’m stronger than anyone in this stupid dumb.

But- farewell, because I’m going to wreak fucking havoc on this world. Until all of the human race is dead!



(Ps: I’ll kill everyone on every planet included! Long live the Princess;) )

I gasp at the ending lines, chuckling at the words.

The long lost princess of Caster.

No wonder.

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