Where Brady Will Live

Part of the story will take place through Brady’s flashbacks and stories about the various hotels and schools and camping grounds where he and his family stayed when they were on the road. Most of these were small towns throughout the South and Southwest U.S. The old VW van will be noted and described on what it was like living the nomadic life. Once he comes to live with Mattie, the small Kentucky town of Westmore will be where he goes to school and where he meets his math teacher Mr. Cavendar who will play an important role in his life as will the his young daughter Mimi.

Aunt Mattie’s house is a small, very ancient cottage in a small Kentucky town. She lives in the woods that is about a quarter mile down the old highway to the village and not too far from Lexington. She keeps to herself, but she grew up in this house and in this area and people know her. She is not universally liked because of her past, but others are true friends to her and they will be important side characters when Brady comes to live with her. She has an old Honda Civic but it is in pristine condition because it only has a few thousand miles on it. Mostly she uses it to go into town and the 17 miles to Lexington where she sells her goods to gourmet stores. When Brady comes, she first buys him a used bicycle and teaches him to ride it and then he has a way to get around on his own.

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