Belinda - Crime Reborn

“I should’ve known. I really should’ve known!”

Hey, my name is Colin and I’ve been saving purely innocent lives from the wrath of the devil’s best friend “fire” which has harmed and almost taken the lives of humans and even animals like dogs too. Doing such things makes me feel whole and truly amazing.

Last week around quarter past 4 in the afternoon, I was in the red fire station near me in Adlington before I suddenly got ordered by my boss Gavin with a large moustache and pale green eyes to immediately visit a home on Asbury Close which is believed to be engulfed in flames from a fire in their home. I immediately got into my fire engine and drove to the house that needed a good extinguishing.

When I rushed go thd scdne, tongues of fire were dancing on the walls of the house however, I all of a sudden noticed a woman with a raincoat and a floral har standing outside the home When I turned the sirens of my fire engine off, the lady took one short glance at me with a neutral expression and walked off silently. This certainly seemed off but I had a job to do, a life to save.

I automatically started to extinguish the fire on the walls of the house with carbon dioxide which wiped the fire off the walls like the wiping of water from a floor. This definitely seemed like a cracking start but when I kicked the door open to extinguish the fire inside the home, I knew I wasn’t alone…

The TV inside the home was still on at max volume without a single flame on it so I started to walk into the kitchen where a nasty fire was there, I instantly extinguished it but when I was just about to lower my fire extinguisher…

“Thanks for savin’ my life buddy now here’s your reward!” A slim man said with his knife inches away from my neck, I actually thought this was the end but the minute I thought my life was over…

I started to see the same woman I saw earlier and she produced towards me with her gripping onto a small pocket knife. When the lady eventually reached where I was, she outstretched her arm lifted her head and stabbed her knife in his eye no less than 5 times. I never ever knew that she’d save my life.

“Good afternoon my friend, my name is Belinda and that killer has been wanted for murder for two days so it was me who set his pesky house alight.” The old lady said softly. My mouth started to turn into the shape of an oval as I never knew thst she tried to destroy a criminal’s life as I was supposed to save the criminal’s. I should’ve known all along so I quickly took my phone out, dialled the number of my fire station and quickly sad…

“I quit!” My boss, Gavin was a horrible person anyway and he should’ve known what was going on. I feel better now; better now that I can see the truth a little clearer.

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