I Ran

I ran. I ran as fast as I could.

It started like any other day for me, taking my afternoon jog in the woods, hoping I could make it back to the cabin just before nightfall. This time was different. Once I stopped at the lake to catch my breath, I didn’t feel safe, like somebody was watching me. I started to pick up speed on my run again but then I heard a noise. “I must be paranoid, there’s nobody out here for miles.” I thought to myself. All of the sudden I froze, I turned around and saw a man in a faceless, white mask, with a quiver of arrows attached to his back and a bow hugging across his chest standing still and staring daggers at me. “Hello? Are you lost?” I asked the man. Instead of answering, he took out a hunting knife and started to run at me full speed. I started to sprint back towards the cabin. I didn’t stop, I didn’t even see to if he was still chasing me, I just kept running, avoiding the various trees in the woods as they started to block my path. I saw the cabin, the light at the end of the tunnel, that would bring me salvation from the murderous man chasing after me. But all of the sudden, a sharp pain in my lower back, he shot me, he shot me when I was so close to the end. I fell to my hands and knees, then felt another sharp pain in my shoulder, I was losing blood, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. I could hear his footsteps as I started to lose the last bit of life I had. He stood over me and shot the last arrow in my head.

It’s been one week and they finally found my body starting to decompose and laying near my cabin lifeless. At least after death, there will be no more running.

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