Write the story that led to this image

Deadly Tides

Two girls laugh as they run in a field, their hair whipping in the winds. They danced recklessly in the fields without a car in the world; both held much love in their eyes and their hearts. The girls ran and danced paying no mind as the ground shifted beneath them; the ground became soft, almost fragile in a sense, almost like a butterfly wing. The ground cracked and snapped as it widened; almost as big as a river. Water rushed forward, it’s strong waves taking both of the girls. As if they were merely toys to the waves as their bodies were flung around in the waters; the girls cried for help but no one came; not even the people in the near by village heard their screams. Soon enough the waters wrath came to an end, but not with out a price; there the girls laid, only a few feet apart; their pinky’s barley touching as they lay there; no movement, not a single breath uttered from the girls. There the lovers lay together in their last moments on this mortal plane; hopefully meeting in the after life; maybe even meeting in another life.
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