Even The Demons Have No Power Here.

I jolted awake at the sound of an ear piercing screech. I lifted my head off of my pillow and allowed my gaze to glide across the room.

I threw my blankets off of me and quickly stood to my feet. “The blood seekers are coming.” I thought to myself as chills shot down my spine.

My knees became weak with fear and anticipation.

I slowly made my way to the window.

I shoved away the blue curtains and peered out to see. And then, I saw it. The thing I prayed I would never see again. The thing that has haunted my dreams for all of these years. A blood seeker.

My stomach turned and my heart sunk all the way down to my toes.

A large, lizard like creature with long claws and huge fangs. With glowing red and bloodthirsty eyes. It thrashed its tail that was covered in spikes.

“Was this it?” I thought.

But the worst had not yet come.

As I watched the beast crawl about my yard I swallowed hard when it’s red eyes interlocked with mine. The hairs on my neck stood up and sweat formed on my face. The best way I can describe these terrible beasts. The only way I can put it down into words. These creatures are demons sent from the pits of hell.

We stared, I didn’t dare to move. If I made one mistake it could cost me my life. I waited, would he come for me? Would he move at all? Or would he simply make me wait for my demise? Perhaps I could make my escape, or make my last move before I walk with Jesus.

I prayed, “lord don’t let this be the end.” Dread and fear overwhelmed me. I wasn’t ready to go. I wasn’t about to die a quitter. But… something was keeping me from moving. My body was frozen in fear. That beast knew what he was doing.

In this moment I understood.

He-….. he was a distraction!

I turned my gaze behind me and there it was.

The beast that lurked in my nightmares.

In the shadows he waited. But why? Why did he wait? He could have ended me the moment he set foot in this place. Why did he wait?

I met his gaze. My hands were pressed firmly together.

“What do you want with me?” I asked him.

Did I just speak? How did the words leave my lips?

Fear was all I knew up until this point. But something In my heart was different.

It was finally clear. This demon. Was afraid.

“What’s wrong? You can’t hurt me can you?”

I asked him boldly. He looked above me and his eyes filled with fear. Above me there was an angel.

He carried a flaming sword. His wings protected me from the demons wrath. That prayer. Saved my life.

“In the name of Jesus I rebuke you demon! Go back from which you came.” I demanded trusting that god could do the rest. The angel above me swung his sword and the demon fled.

I laid my head back onto my pillow that night with joy. God won yet another battle.

This is just a little something that was inspired by an actual thing that I have went through.

Not necessarily the same. But a spiritual battle nonetheless. I’ve seen my fair share of demons and things of that nature. Supernatural things.

I’ve seen the good and the bad. But in all of my moments of trial when battling these demons. God has always won. I want this to be an encouragement. I believe that if your reading this right now. It’s cause you were meant to.

If you have any questions about Christianity you are more than welcome to ask!

(I mean ask questions, not bash, hate on, or call names etc. if you would like to talk about it In detail such as a friendly debate we can do that on another platform more professionally. Any hate, name calling, or rudeness of any kind will result in a block of your acc.) id love to answer any questions. And I’d love to hear your feedback.

Have a blessed day.

-Danica J sea-

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