You slide the bag across the table, the hooded figure opposite you peers inside. "Where the hell did you find this?!"

Continue this dialogue.


His face turned into a sour scowl as the words left my mouth, the expression on his face so unearthly and… so normal at the same time? ‘Am I going crazy?’

“What does it matter where I got it Liam?”

The icy words leave his mouth, hatred seething from his mouth. his silky brown hair poking up from under his black silky hoodie as his ocean blue eyes fixated on mine, his golden flecks seeming to dance around his eyes it’s as if I could get lost in them forever.

“you.. you don’t have to do this.”

water begins to cascade down his face at my words, his face becoming a brighter shade of red.

“B..but I do, I..” a tear falls to the floor into a small puddle near my foot. “it’s the only way I.. I won’t feel, I’m just numb” he whispers softly hoping his words got lost.

“Daniel…. It’s not the way, please for me don’t”

My heart is beating uncontrollably at the thought of… of loosing. Ugh forget it.

“You don’t even like me Liam”

His words stung my heart like a swarm of bees. I love him and he can’t see it.

“Daniel that’s not true…” I say hesitation evident in my voice as I stutter and meet his eyes once again “I love you” I say before the words even comprehend in my brain. I search his eyes looking, wondering, fucking hoping for any sign of agreement. the corners of his mouth begin to wrinkle as his chocolaty skin turns a dark shade of red as if it was tinted with paint. his smile is fucking adorable, all I want to do is kiss that pretty little face… kiss. A blush already evident on my face deepens as I lean forward and test my lips on his, after Daniel comprehends my actions he deepens the kiss allowing me entrance to his mouth ‘god he feels good’

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