⚡️Forgotten Affects ⚡️

Card games are fun and something new,

But it gets old when the Uno reverse card skips you.

Twister is a tangled mess but you bond with your opponents,

Except when you injure yourself and have to get stents.

Beating some one at Risk when you conquer their last country is rewarding,

The one who gets their hopes snatched away has to say I will have my day to winning.

To get all the railroads in Monopoly and winning money from others poor rolling,

But losing everything in debt is disheartening.

Guessing the Clue suspect weapon and place getting it right and winning the game,

But losing to someone with luck on their side ,as you practiced regularly and strategized.

The point of this story is to prove my point of how the out come affects your life,

The winner celebrates and their ego increased but the loser’s hope has been forgotten as their self confidence lies deceased.

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