Useful (unfinished)

It wasn’t common knowledge that the world used to be different. Not off the rails different, but in the sense that genetic modifications weren’t a thing. Not to this extent. The world was not so different then. People were still useful, although less able to pick up heavy things without any trouble. They had machines for that back in the past. Now those machines were small and attached to the human body or inserted into the spine.

No need to waste money of machines, when it cost less to embed a chip that modified the body to compensate for the human thing as pain, and being useless.

It is still possible, of course. If you stray or fall, to be useless. And the useless are not needed. The useless aren’t seen after they become useless. The useless have no need in this perfect world.

That is what they want you to believe. The government has a file on everyone, with what their job and whole life will be like, to follow it to every word. If you stray off the file written for you, you’re useless.

That’s what they call it.

Useless. It’s a better and less brutal way to say murdered. Terminated. Dead.

Of course, being in a world like this has its ups and downs, especially when your aware of it all.

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