
"Mom, dad, wait!" Rory cried after his parents, who were already slamming the doors of their car. By the time he made it to the door they were gone. Panic surged through his chest as he tugged his shoes on before stumbling out of the door. They thought Vick had done this. He had to catch up to them. He had to explain. But the car was gone, and even if it hadn't been Rory couldn't have driven. He felt a sharp twinge of pain in his arm as he remember how useless he was with it in the cast. The same arm that Vick had... Rory stopped. He... hated Vick. He hated him a lot. There was nothing forcing him to follow his parents. Besides, what were the chances Vick actually did have something to do with it? Maybe his parents were right. Maybe Nate was right. Just because he'd been quiet recently... He thought of Eli. Eli was a nice kid. He was friends with Vick. If they were getting along, didn't it mean he had changed for the better? Wait. Eli.

Rory's eyes shot to the house on his left. His parents had only just turned out of his line of sight. He shot to the neighbors' door and rang the bell, praying that eight wasn't too late for someone to answer.

"Rory?" Like a miracle, it was Eli who answered. "What happened to-?"

"Eli! Can you drive?" Rory realized he must have looked insane. He was bloody, bruised, frantic, and hadn't slept in 24 hours.

"Uh... sure?" Eli blinked at him, confused. "Why?"

"I need your help." He breathed in. "Do you know where Vick lives?"

Eli looked shocked to hear the name come from him. "What's this about?"

"I can explain in the car, but please, we need to go NOW." His parents were long gone. Eli looked at him cautiously, considering. Finally, he turned back inside. Rory cursed himself.

"Mom, Dad! I'm taking the car out! I'll be back in a..." he looked at Rory, the risk he was taking evident on his face.

"Uh... hour?" He guessed. He truly had no clue. He didn't even know where Vick lived.

"An hour! I'll call you, promise!" He didn't wait for a response before grabbing the keys hanging by the door and running to the car, unlocking it as he approached. Rory followed him and got in the passenger side.

"Thank you so much." Eli started the car and ripped out of the driveway as Rory struggled to buckle his seatbelt with one arm.

"I mean... yeah, sure. I trust you." He kept his eyes on the road. "But could you please explain what's going on?" God. Where could he start?

He did his best to explain everything as they ripped down the road. He explained about the party, about Forrest, and about coming home. He explained how his parents had assumed Vick had attacked him again.

"I just don't want this to blow up into another huge thing. I feel like..." He looked down. "Like it's a repeat of last time." Last time. When they'd broke his arm. Last time. When his parents had driven off. Last time. When he'd done nothing.

"It won't be the same as last time. This time, you have me." Eli offered a Rory a reassuring smile. "And I'm gonna get you there in time."

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