Submitted by Creative Writer
You wake up with all the memories of your own life, but no one knows who you are.
Write a story where you have to try and convince your friends and family of who you are.
I wake up one morning in my usual bed right by my usual nightstand. The house is quiet. Too quiet. I run downstairs, thinking that my mother should already have breakfast prepared. I scrambled down the stairs, almost slipping but catching myself with the railing. Randy sits at the table drinking his milk, then he spits up some baby food. My mom laughs and carefully cleans him up, tickling his head and making Randy squirm and laugh.
I stand in the doorway waiting for her to notice me but she doesn’t do anything. She continues to play around with the new baby as if this was her only child.
“Mom,” I say.
My mom looks up toward me, puzzled. She grabs a spatula from the kitchen and flicks it toward me. I catch it with my hand and she starts running around the room freakishly.
“Get away from my baby!” She yells, throwing a towel at me.
The towel flops to the ground and she missed. I was so confused I just stood there in disbelief. I almost laughed as I watched her horrible acting skills play out.
“Chill out mom,” I said, laughing.
Then Bernard started barking at me. I looked at his soft golden fur that fluffed all around his body. He had such innocent eyes and snit was dripping from his nose.
“Who are you?!My mom demands. “And why are you calling me mom?”
“Shouldn’t you already know,” I laughed.
“No, I don’t,” she snapped back, holding a metal pan out toward my head.
I politely move my hand over toward the pan. Hasn’t this gone on long enough?
“Just make me breakfast, I’m gonna be late for school,” I said.
My mom looks at me like she’s never seen me before. She tries to wack me with the pan but I just retreat back to my room, laughing like a maniac.
“Don’t you go back in my babies room!” She screamed.
I turned a corner into my room, only it wasn’t my room. The walls were painted a baby blue and innocent farm animals were painted along the walls. Pictures of Randy we’re plastered on the walls and big bold green letters were sprawled out on every wall, all saying Randy’s name.
I ran out the room just to make sure I wasn’t daydreaming. I ran into the other room at the far side of the hall, where there wasn’t a second room where Randy’s room should be. I banged on the walls, but it wasn’t hollow at all. I opened the last day, and it was my parents room. Randy’s room had disappeared, and now his room was in my room.
I could hear my mom dialing the police in the kitchen as I ran down the hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. All the pictures of me, everything that was related to me had disappeared. My schools pictures on every wall had been removed and now all I saw was Randy’s face. I heard him laughing downstairs now, and I turned around to him. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t…