Inspired by N.S.

Write a story about a character who becomes something they once hated.

Switching Side

This city had once seemed wonderful. It was the place where I became powerful. It was the place where I felt like all my dreams came true. And I loved it, this city. And I loved the people in it.

I had once seen them as kind and loyal. I had once seen them as supporters. I had once seen them as deserving of protection. Deserving of my protection. I had always shown up, whenever they called. I always made sure they were safe. And the one time I needed them, they did nothing.

I watched my family die, and my friends die at the hands of Freeze Ray and there was nothing I could do.

They showed up after, with some sympathy, but it was short lived before life went back to normal. And they went back to needing me. And I wanted more and more to not show up. Because I don’t see this city as I was did.

I see this city as empty and lonely. I see only bad memories, or bittersweet ones. This city is now marked with death. Their deaths. This city is where all my dreams were stolen from me. It’s where I now feel my weakest. And I don’t feel the same way about the people inside this city as I used to.

I see them as cajoling. I see them as demanding. Manipulative. They don’t care about me, as I once thought, they only care about what I can do for them. They want to use me for their ends. They saw my team, my wife, my children as expendable. They probably see me as expendable too.

This city I once loved. And these people I once protected. I hate. All I can think about now is how to get revenge against this place and the people inside of it who destroyed me.

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