Write a poem that has an uncanny mood.

Uncanny is defined as strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way.


The rotting smell permeated through her nose.

She listened to groans and dragging feet.

She felt around her: a wall on her right and empty space on her left.

She knew this was anything but normal.

She wished her sister would have told her why she put her here

She made a soft sound in frustration.

Her situation was limited so she clicked her tounge softly.

As the noise trailed around the room

she started to understand where she was at.

She in a tight space but beside her left is a drop down;

likely a drop that leads to the floor.

She still could here the faint groans and smelling that grotesque smell,

She knew she was in a dire situation but she had to get down.

Using the side of whatever she sitting on as a ledge to hang onto

and her foot to trail down the walls.

She landed on the clothes, one time being messy saved her.

She made another soft click.

The door is just in front of her,

She turned her head, behind her is square shaped obstructions.

She turned around walking closer to the boxy silhouettes before crouching.

Leaning as close as she can she smelled food and plastics, maybe water.

She couldn’t take this with her but she also doesn’t have to leave.

In all honesty it’s likely more dangerous for her.

She only has 4 senses to work with and staying in one place is easier for her to function.

With that in mind, she decided to stay here for alittle while.

She understood she couldn’t stay their forever

But for now that is her plan.

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