Profile: Josh Putney

Josh Putney, at the age of 17, is the youngest sibling of 5. With little extra curricular interest and generally average grades, it comes at no surprise he is considered indolent by his aloof father, who put’s little expectation on his youngest’s future successes. This opinion however, is not shared by his mother, whose flippant doting is generally regarded to be the reason for his idle behaviours. Championing her ‘baby’, she would consider him above reproach, with unparalleled skills in all areas and the person you would most want to attend you in any form of crisis.

Gemma, his sibling closest in age whom is 2 years his senior, would paint him the villain in most family affairs. An easy target for her hoydenish ventures, she is often able to draw out what she considers to be his molten temper, which often leads to bouts of furious sparring between the two; these famous arguments are renown amongst distant relatives and family friends, who take sides and bet in jest on a victor.

It usually comes down to the level headed eldest son George, to either decide a winner, or announce a tie to reinstate order into the household.

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