Making friends with the ghost in your attic brings you many benefits as well as faults.

Use this sentence as an opening line to your story.


We had just moved in. Its the brick house on the corner of the street in Bidgetown, Verginia. It was built back in the 1910’s by a french man named Pierre Dubois, who imigrated to america in 1908. Don’t ask me how I know this, this is of course, a story told by my mother, about the place. We were moving here for the purpous of a fresh start. My Father and Older Sister had died earlier that year. The house had 3 floors, plus an attic to which my brother swore there was no such thing. We started unpacking, finding our rooms, and exploring the place. The walls were decorated with centurys old walpaper, some wiht little pink flowers and others with old fashond animals, most likely a little boy’s room. I set my stuff down in a room I enjoyed. It was one of the top floor rooms, the celing replicating the image of the roof above. The window was round, but brang enough light into the room to make it comfortable, but not too bright.

It had been a couple of days since we moved in to our new home. Mother is handaling it really well, and so is my brother. Ive had a chance to explore the attic and set up my study there. And as I type this, I am currently sitting in the vary space I speak of. It is dim up here, the only window beeing at the end of the attic, shedding light on the small but cozzy attic. I had learned to stay up here as much as I could. For there was not a more simple and comforting place to be. At this time, my thoughts had more or less wandered to what was the history of this place. There for, I bought an Ouiji board. I slowly took it out of It’s box, something at the time I never thought I would need to do. But here I was. I read the directions over again, keep your hands on the moving peice and do not let go unless saying goodbye. I held my hand on the peice, feeling like I was talking to air, I whispered, “Is there anyone here with me right now?”. I looked arround at the gloomy place, but then too notice that the peice indeed infact was moving! I let my arms hang loose, to make sure that I was not the one doing it. I wasnt. I followed the peice with my eyes as It slowly came to the H, and the E and the l and the O. I asumed that whatever this was was saying hello. so I said hello back. In time I would learn that it wasn’t the best Idea.

A week later, my new enemy was dead. So was that evil little princapal, and the bully. While those are all very happy things to me, I knew It wasn’t right. All thoes people, I had told to my new friend in the attic. And now, all are dead. I came forward to this ghost, yelling why he did what he did. And all the ghost responded with is, “I did you a favor…are you not happy?”

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