Write about a character growing up on a dying planet.
Pluto Persons
Dear Diary,
We’ve heard word through our scientists that the Earthlings are officially going through with the downgrading of our home world Pluto. Yes, you read that right. Downgrading. Do you know how embarrassing that is?
For as long as I can remember, Pluto has been a vital piece of our solar system. A respected planet known for its heart-shaped imprint and funky gradient colour. But now, so we’re told, there are several factors in the new way they determine objects in outer space and Pluto no longer cuts the mustard. From an Earth person’s perspective, I now live on a Dwarf planet. How can they be so insensitive? Have we learned nothing in the last century? Surely the correct term would be little-planet.
My parents insist that there’s no malice in their intentions. That the Earthlings don’t even know there’s life inhabiting Pluto. But I think they’re just being mean.
I shouldn’t care what other-worlders think, I know. Especially ones you don’t particularly admire. But for some reason I care a great deal. I want our planet to be seen in the same light that I see it. A gentle, peaceful place that hosts the best species in the galaxy! The only planet we know of that makes proper, original Pluto Pina Colada. And that’s not a fact to be sniffed at.
The headline of our morning newspaper claims that we are now a dying planet. It’s tongue and cheek, of course, referencing the countdown before our verified planet checkmark gets taken away. Like we’re a celebrity that’s no longer relevant.
I began constructing a letter of complaint but mum and dad told me to stop. Typical Pluto-ians… never wanting to cause a fuss.
If I could speak to an Earthling I would tell them that not only have they made a vital mistake but that they should think long and hard before making public claims about a place they’ve never been! That’s immaturity for you, though. My ancestors were already playing Pluto Pianos while they were still swimming around as fishes. So we could put their lack of manors down as ignorance.
I start high school tomorrow, meaning I only have 153 hours to get myself ready for it. Just on the off chance that an Earthling reads this: That’s how long a day is on Pluto. Not that YOU’D know, of course. With your pathetic 24 hours. Having the gall to downgrade a planet you didn’t even know how many hours made up their day. You should be ashamed.
But as I was saying, high school tomorrow. I’m excited but also nervous. I’m not sure I’m ready to grow up on a planet that isn’t going to be a planet for very long. I mean, what does that mean for future opportunities? Will it change how I’m viewed on my resumé? I hope not.
I know that deep down, Earthlings get away with whatever they want, so there’s not much I can do. I’ll have to suck it up and that’s that. I just wish there were some way I could plead my case. Ask them to reconsider. Dad said that attempting to reveal our existence is just about the most illegal thing us Pluto Persons can do. We can spend an entire year (248 Earth years - incase you water-bastards are reading) and I’m not comfortable with a sentence like that!
I apologise for swearing, Diary, I’m a little upset at all this. I’m trying to remember my breathing exercising. Filling up my lungs with good, clean nitrogen always calms me down.
Anyway, I’ve tired myself out so I’m going to go. This is Alfie, future king of Pluto and I suppose, a resident on a dying planet signing off.
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