Every day, a person goes to a flower shop and buys the same peculiar flower.

Write a poem about this person and their flowers.

Weekly Flowers

Everyday, of every week

He comes and buys the same flowers

Monday it’s marigolds

A piece of gold and ray of sun

To begin the week anew

Tuesday it’s tulips

Red, yellow, white and pink

A rainbow to brighten the day

Wednesday it’s wallflowers

Purple and gold, four petals and all

Weirdly enough, they don’t grow on a wall

Thursday it’s tiger lilies

A fierce name for sure

But beautiful nonetheless

Friday it’s some forget me nots

A pretty little flower, and very blue

I hope he doesn’t forget me too

Saturday it’s snowdrops

Pretty and white

What else is there to say?

And finally on Sunday,

It’s sunflowers all around

Big balls of yellow to brighten up the day

Every day, of every week

Every month of every year

He buys the same seven flowers

One day I simple ask

“Why do you buy the same flowers

Day after day?”

He smiles and says,

“To see you smile of course

Because it always makes your day.”

I blush and smile

And thank him very much

And ask him if he would like to have some lunch

He says yes and off we go

And now along with flowers

We dine everyday

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