Inspired by Ocho Jacinto

A mysterious figure hitches a ride during an intense storm.

Continue the prompt in any genre you like - perhaps you will use the atmosphere to drive a mysterious narrative, or to completely juxtapose the character and setting to the plot.

Rider On The Storm

A mysterious figure hitches a ride during an intense storm. His face in the glare of the headlight sent shivers down my spine. His body shielded by a mess of fabric consisting of a hood and sleeves draped down to the ground. The light was so low it was impossible to tell where he ended and the road began. Riders on the storm started playing in my head “there’s a killer on the road” he stood with such indifference for the traffic only glancing up to meet the drivers eyes with a look of death. “if you let this man inside sweet family will die”.

Who could this man be, what would have to happen for someone to end up standing on the side of the road in such a storm? The rain bouncing off of his jacket in the glow of the headlights became a symphony of mystery and unknown beauty. Was he lost? Did he get kicked out of another car? Where was his luggage? Surely he would need some sort of baggage we aren’t near anywhere but sleazy motels and dive bars. . .What is in his trench coat?. . .All questions I plan to never see know the answer to. As we passed I caught a glimpse of him in the tail lights, painted red in the glow of the bulbs I saw the image of the devil, startled I jumped and rubbed my eyes. I didn’t want to look back I didn’t want it to be real I didn’t want that fear. I looked back and to my shock I saw nobody there just an empty road I must have imagined it I assured myself and I believed myself until I saw the same man a mile ahead getting picked up by a mini van. He flashed me a sinister smile as I drove by. “Don’t give this man a ride sweet family will die” the song continued.

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