“Depending on which side you’re on, karma can be a beautiful thing.”

Write a story which ends with this sentence.


And the Earth was created. And the sun and the moon and the stars. Three beings to watch over this newborn planet.

There was the Light. The sun. Bringer of life and harbinger of death. She brings forth flora and fauna from the earth and scorches them to skeletons. Shines unto the shadows and disperses fears and ne’er-do-wells. She kisses the horizon and slips beyond.

Giving way to the Dark. The moon. Master of tides and seasons. Master of storms and mystery. She controls the seven seas, with her children the Winds. She can spread an endless winter night across the desert and flows from shape to shape to nothing.

When she is absent, there is Karma. The stars. Ever-present, scarcely-visible. Twinkling in the night and spying in the day. One is assigned to your soul. To watch. To judge. To report to the Light and the Dark about what your fate should be. Have you wronged the sun? Lamented over cooler evenings and cursed her brilliance? Have you spoken ill of the moon? Claimed her to be inferior or willed her to change phase for personal gain?

The stars hear your mind’s whispers. You will receive burnt earth and burnt flesh. You will experience harsh Winds and harsh luck. Because we, the pinpricks of light in the Dark and the convergence of blue in the Light, observe and pull the strings. But it’s you who doom yourself. Hold up a mirror and you will see this. The majesty of this infant world. The complexity of cause and effect. Depending on which side you’re on, Karma can be a beautiful thing.

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