Your character is stuck inside a rapidly deflating bouncy castle at a fair.

In this scene, juxtapose their panic with the joyful surroundings of a summer fair.

Troubles On The SS.INFLATABLE.

“A captain always goes down with his ship! Just admit you did it!” Captain Jake shouted.

His first mate gave a gappy grin, and raised his own blade in challenge. “Never!”

The battle began on the lilting ship, as they bounced for supremacy as the ship squeaked and foam blades met.

Captain Jake realised the mast was nearly in half first, as he tried to use the side to propel himself into his mutinous first mate.

“The ship is going down! What did you do?!”

The oblivious first mate took a breath from his inhaler, and laughed. This enraged captain Jake, who started trying to actually hurt his first mate as the ship sank faster and faster.

The wall suddenly collapsed on the captain and he began to panic. His first mate had left the now deformed rubbery wreck and the captain behind as he saved himself.

It was getting hard to breathe as other kids and even adults started to scream and shout as the ship went down.

Captain Jake was clawing at the thick walls, trying to get some air when a small hand found his leg and pulled him free.

The first mate half dragged him onto the grass and they looked at the inflatable ship as it pancaked.

Then Jake’s little sister ran by, wearing a black hat with skulls on, laughing manically.

Captain Jake and the first mate looked at one another. “Pirates!” They exclaimed.

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