The main characters are stuck in a labyrinth; it has no exit, but they do not know that.
Write their story; how can such a story end?
Our characters spend hours walking through the labyrinth. The walls on the labyrinth are a dark tone that seem natural. Sharp and soft edges and a thick layer of dust remains over the stone. The path is a light sandy dirt that leaves the faintest of marks in it. The characters track their paths and try their best not to rewalk them. Yet somehow they always end back onto the path already walked. After endless hours of searching for a way out they give up. The paths rewalked so many times that the footprints are nothing less than piled up sand. The dehydration and lack of food slowly gets to them. They start fighting and split up over their anger. Three days pass by since they first arrived and two since they split up. The dirt seems to have a hallucinogenic effect. Many hours of breathing it surely is more than enough to force the character to insanity. Some start climbing the walls and fail miserably. They walk over and over yet they never meet up with each other. Some start giving up entirely. Curling up on the ground and accepting their fate. There is no explanation to the labyrinth. One could only describe it as an endless pit of despair. Not hope for our characters remains. The lack of food and water slowly kills them off. One of the characters in his final effort to escape stumbles across one of the other characters decomposing at a horribly fast rate. The character remains defeated by what he has seen. Hours pass and the skeleton of the corpse is only left. Yet the skeleton itself starts to fall apart into a fine dust. The dust blends into the dirt on the floor. Only then does our character realize how the dirt was later across the entire labyrinth. Thousands of skeletons turned into dust. The character has no though of what to do next and is traumatized by the realization just made.