Portray a futuristic cityscape without referring to technology.
What other elements can make something seem futuristic?
You never realized how much the world relied on color before it was stripped away.
It felt like you were drowning, the white and beige walls suffocated you.
Everything just felt… cold.
Just not right.
No wall paper, just smooth patterns and grey tiles for floors. Furniture with thin little poles holding up tables and chairs. Tiny plants that felt like the tin from a soda can.
It felt fake.
And so wrong.
What happened to life?
Did it just flee in the time of need?
Or did we force it away somewhere along the journey?
Your eyes felt tired.
Like they were exhausted from looking at a blank screen for so long.
Like saving a white canvas for a future project, so you won’t mess it up before then.
But then it just sits.
Sits until it’s covered in dust.
Sits until it’s gone.