Write a scene where a character confesses their (unreturned) love for another.

All Of Them Wanting

“You better run!” Maven yelled as she chased Amy through the trees. Tag was a game they had played since they were little. “Wait up!” Quilt screamed, catching up to both of them as they sped. Quilt and Amy had been dating for months now, and they always let Maven tag along with them when she wanted. “You got me, you got me!” Amy stopped out of breathe, accepting her defeat. Maven chuckled as she came to a halt, smacking Amy’s arm. “What’s wrong?” Quilt questioned Amy. He had slowed down a long while ago, and was still a ways behind them. Amy gave both of them a rude glare, and started to run again. “But I tagged you!” Maven yelled, sprinting towards Amy. Quilt grunted in frustration. He didn’t want to run. He liked the outdoors, and the game of tag wasn’t exactly the idea of enjoying it. He would never say anything to Amy, but Maven wasn’t his favorite way to spend the afternoon with his girlfriend. Amy was his whole world, and he thought of this as he continued to walk, smiling at the ground. “Quilt!” Maven grinned, skipping back toward him. Amy followed, jealously glaring at Quilt. “Hey Maven. Sorry, just enjoying the scene.” He smiled politely and passed her, pacing towards Amy. “Maven, I’m done. I know you love him.” Amy countered in the silence. “What?” Maven looked stunned at her friend’s words, but not denying. There was a long silence. “You love him. Why him? What did I have to do?” Amy paused, her jaw falling. The others stared in confusion. “What?” Quilt mumbled. Amy stood, tears pooling in her eyes. “Quilt, I was going to tell you tonight. I was.” She stepped toward him, but he backed away. “Ames? You like me?” Maven asked gently. Unable to speak, Amy nodded. Maven looked at Quilt, who was unable to take his eyes off Amy. “What she said is true, Quilt. I do love you. I was also going to tell you that tonight.” Maven said. He looked back and forth at both of them, forcing himself to focus on the sound of the wind and the trees. His vision became blurry. Amy struggled to catch her breath from the sound of her sobs. Maven stared blankly in to the woods. There they were. All of them wanting, none of them wanted.

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