Submitted by Elowyn Abernathy

Write an ode, but make it sarcastic.

An ode is a poem that normally focuses on a subject in a positive and glorifying light. Think about how you'll make the tone obviously sarcastic.

The Forgotten

It is what it is .we die, they cry. The next day the news goes on as usual, the sun shines as usual , . 6 am the alarm clock rings as usual. Then they are off to work, as usual.Next day they are commuting in car or train to work. ,. They are wondering about the days they took off for the funeral. They’re thinking, is that considered sick days? Will they take that away from vacation time? They can’t wait till 6 PM, back on the train, back in the car to go home. Oh,I have little league with my son because It’s Thursday ,as usual. You become yesterday,s news. You post it on Facebook and get 50 comments. Now your conscience is clear. There’s some small talk about you while passing the mashed potatoes. Life goes on, as usual. How fast I am forgotten. One day it will be you, as usual

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