Write a story from the perspective of a toy.

What toy could you choose to drive an interesting narrative?

The doll (short)

The doll sat at the sofa and gazed at the Boy.

This Boy bought the doll from the Underground Shop. The shop was massive, and it sold a diverse number of dolls. From short to tall. Big to small.

The Boy adored his doll. He always wanted a doll for himself. One, he could always play around with.

The Boy pulled out two small strings of rope from his pocket. Then, he tied it to the doll’s arms.

He pulled the strings and the doll glided. The doll enjoyed the feeling of soaring, but the doll knew deep down that she was moving to the palm of the boy’s hand.

But there was nothing the doll could do. After all, a doll is meant to be played with.

The girl finally landed back on the sofa. The boy didn’t remove the strings because after all, she was his, as he had bought her from the Human shop

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