Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Under the influence

21st October 2024 I’m going to quote a song for you, ‘Oh dear diary, I met a boy’. The new guy at school, Dan is sooooo cute. I almost died when he asked me for a pen in biology. 23rd March 2025 Dan flirted with me today! I’m so happy. 27th March 2025 Dan’s an arsehole. He flirted with me all week and then I find him kissing Ellie at Lucas’ party. Fuck him. 29th April I wish Dan would leave me alone. He’s so creepy I don’t know why I ever liked him. It’s sods law isn’t? The second I stop liking him he gets all handsy. Well not handsy yet but I’m fearful. 5th May My head is throbbing. I have no idea what I did last night but fear for the worst. I think it involved Dan. UPDATE! It did involve Dan. I slept with him. I am such an idiot. I don’t know what I’m going to do. 7th June I’m scared of Dan. He keeps making lude remarks and innuendoes around and about me. I don’t want him anymore but I’m afraid he doesn’t care about that. 10th June I did it again. When will drunk me realise I don’t want him. What do I do?
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